The corporate mission of CVS FERRARI S.p.A, is the design, construction, sale and service of large lifting capacity machines, to be used in the logistics sector, which guarantee the best return on investment to its customers.

The reliability and performance of CVS FERRARI products must be at the top of the market for the performance they offer, respecting the mandatory requirements, reduce fuel and materials consumption and minimize impact on environment.

The measurement of the continuous improvement of products, processes and services is solely given by the increase of customer satisfaction and by the achievement of the economic and environmental objectives that the company has set to itself.

This policy constitutes a reference framework for the identification of specific objectives for the various areas and functions of CVS FERRARI S.p.A. organizational structure.

CVS Ferrari is a ISO 14001 Environmental Management System

CVS FERRARI is a ISO 9001 Quality Management System
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The corporate mission of CVS FERRARI is the Quality Policy